Radius Research Interview – Algernon NeuroScience Initiates TBI Research Program with DMT

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CEO Christopher J. Moreau provides an update on Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc. announcement that its subsidiary Algernon NeuroScience (AGN Neuro) has added a new clinical research program for the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with AP-188 (“N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT”). AGN Neuro plans to be the first company globally to investigate DMT for TBI in humans and is planning to begin a Phase 2 clinical trial in Q4, 2023.

About Algernon NeuroScience

Algernon NeuroScience is a private equity subsidiary of Algernon Pharmaceuticals and has been created to advance the Company’s DMT stroke and traumatic brain injury research program. AGN Neuro has filed a Form 1-A offering statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, seeking qualification to raise up to USD $10M for AGN Neuro by offering up to 37.5% of its common shares, (including the maximum amount of bonus shares) with majority ownership residing with AGN Pharma, under a Tier II Regulation A+ offering.

About Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Algernon Pharmaceuticals is a Canadian clinical stage drug development and repurposing company investigating multiple drugs for unmet global medical needs. Algernon Pharmaceuticals has active research programs for IPF with chronic cough, and chronic kidney disease, and is the parent company of Algernon NeuroScience.